Rabu, 30 November 2011


Stage 1: Infernal Lair

Boss: Inferno Sovereign - Boss ini cukup berat-bisa mana drain AoE, melee damage and AoE seal. Buletan biru biasanya muncul di bawah, menyebabkan 5001 damage sama siapa aja yang diatasnya saat dia meledak. They may overlap. Contohnya, 2 jebakan meledak bisa menyebabkan 5001+5001 damage. Extreme poison, curse, sama amplify damage efektif buat boss satu ini.

Pelajari efek yang kamu dapet buat melihat urutan jebakan. Buat sejumlah orang, yang lebih berguna archer or BM(ga tau apa.. kira2 foxlady)buat narik momonnya. Sekali hit, boss momon ngeluarin jurus stone gargoyles di buletan ditengah2 room. Semuanya termasuk bs harus focus buat ngehancurin gargoyles saat nghindari buletan jebakan ri bawah. Kalo udah hancur, attack bossnya sambil nghindarin jebakan. Kalo udah bunuh boss ini cuma drop gold doang.

Boss: Noxious Sovereign - Fairly easy boss. Cuma ngeluarin poison damage at melee dalam AoE and melee damage. It also buffs its physical and magical defenses significantly. Extreme poison, curse, sama amplify damage gak efektif.

Serangan meele sangat b'guna. Pr kudu tanggap juga buat heal juga dispel. When the Mysterious old man talks (red text), the boss will buff itself. Ngalahin this boss akan lebih lama dari perkiraan kita and bantuan pr lebih banyak dibutuhkan. Kill the boss and pick up

Stage 3: Vampire Domain
Boss: Vampiric Sovereign -This is a timed boss. Kalo kamu gak cepet-cepet bunuh momon ini bakal menyikat grup kamu dalam 1 hit. Jurus mana drainnya cukup kuat. Extreme poison, curse, and amplify damage are effective.

Kamu kudu ready buat nyerang momon ini. Hit bossnya dengan serangan jarak jauh lalu repulse-in karena sekali serang, 6 anaknya yang berupa fox bakal muncul. Like the first boss, kudu di kill duluan before this boss nyerang/kita serang. Waktu buat matiin anak-anaknya ini kalo bisa waktunya sama. Kalo satu fox mati dengan waktu yang beda jauh foxnya bakal hidup lagi sama ngress 5 lainnya dengan full health. Use your AoE. There are many ways to kill the Reaper Foxes. Some ways that have been done are:

Everyone on the boss. Wizard or archer with hp pots and maybe Tree of Protection genie skill runs into the middle of the mobs and start their AoE in such a way that all the foxes are hit, while potting to make sure they survive.

Pet hercules on the boss. Semuanya kudu ndeketin anaknya lalu AoE them. Bs finishes off at around 60% fox health terus cast jurus Armageddon

The BM runs across the mobs and pulls them to one side in such a way that they bunch up then uses Heaven's Flame and bramble rage (genie skill). This is probably the most popular method.

Bossnya biasanya AoE mana drain everyone. Disini nguntungin char yang low level MP siapin banyak pot/jamu kalo gak punya hiero. Red text from the Mysterious old man talking signals the start of the AoE mana drain. Kill the boss quickly sebelum dia menyapu bersih grup kamu!! Pick up the nirvana chest.

Stage 4: Demonic Niche
Boss 1: Demonic Tyrant - It looks like the Machinoslitt world boss. Dia nterang pake melee attack sama ranged metal attack. Kalo hpnya dah 25%, momonnya bakal AoE metal attacks. Extreme poison, curse, and amplify damage are ineffective.

Pas bs-nya ng-tb, 2 type monster occasionally muncul di belakang party - Whitefeather Golems and Darkwing Corpses, so all members should stay close to each other. Beberapa orang, lebih membutuhkan archer because of no channeling, buat kill Darkwing corpses saat muncul. Kalo kamu gak buru-buru kuill tuh momon.. momonnya bakal meledak and cause 5001 damage to each party member. The designated person should just tab through until a Darkwing Corpe appears then hit the attack button. Do not kill the Whitefeather Golems. Mbunuh mereka bakal munculin 5001 damage ke party members. Pr kudu nggunain heal AoE. Nganjutin mbunuh Darkwing Corpses sama healing sesudah AoE metal attacks sampe bossnya mokad. Pick up the nirvana chest

** Disaranin pet hercules yang bisa tb di boss ini kalo gak ada kesalahan tentunya **

Boss 2: Demonic Dictator - this boss looks like a centaur wielding an axe. It deals melee physical damage, dan medium-range yang cukup kuat and multiple AoE serangan fisik when it goes into a non-purge-able frenzy. Extreme poison, curse, and amplify damage are effective.

Char yang physical defensenya paling tinggi palis pas buat tb nih boss sama skillful ps. Repulse/tarik ni boss ke tembok lalu tb ni boss. Pas red text muncul, cpet-cepet lari ke tembok seberangnya pas bossnya jadi ganas and does its frenzy attacks. Sesudah itu bossnya bakal nyerang tbnya. Repeat this tactic until the boss is dead. Pick up the nirvana chest

Boss 3: Demonic Sovereign - this mace wielding boss does melee physical damage, it cast physical weakness and AoE stun.
Tb bossnya, pastiin anggota grup selalu bersama (idihh) karena biasanya 2 Shadowmetal Ghouls muncul lalu nyerang pake melee attack, paling disaranin pake AoE aja. Continue attacking until the boss is dead. Pick up two nirvana chests.

Stage 5: Ashura.s Hollow
Boss 1: Ashura Tyrant - A relatively straight kill. Tank it. Kill it. Yellow polygonal traps form on the ground and rocks drop from the ceiling. Keduanya cukup lemah tapi tidak bisa dihindari. Gunain AoE heal and destroy it. Pick up the nirvana chest. Extreme poison, curse, and amplify damage are effective.

Boss 2: Ashura Dictator
- It does melee physical damage. Seperti biasanya pr kudu tanggap. Three Ashura Bloodserpents biasanya spawn lalu marani(aduh ga tau basa indonya) ke salah satu anggota party. BM should AoE as soon as they appear. Setiap bloodserpent ngeluarin poison yang cukup kuat DoT. Heal secepatnya (ASAP=As soon as possible). Kalo mereka mokad, tubuhnya meledak terus jadi kabut ungu yang berupa racun. Cepet-cepet menghindar ato kamu kena poison DoT. Heal saat diperlukan. Kill the boss and pick up the nirvana chest. Extreme poison, curse, and amplify damage are ineffective.

Boss 3: Ashura Sovereign - This is a pretty strong boss. He does melee physical damage, casts stun, physical weakness, and bleeds. He also has a speed buff and random aggros. Bunuh momonnya secepatnya. TB-nya disaranin pake bs karena PDefnya tinggi hpnya juga banyak. Saat pr ng-heal TB momonnya bakal nyerang pr. Pr harus nyiapin buff defensive mereka sama invulnerability accessories as needed. Once the boss is dead, pick up two nirvana chests. Extreme poison, curse, and amplify damage are effective.
Stage 6: Heaven.s Colliseum
 Boss 1: Arbiter of Flames: The easiest boss in this stage. This does physical melee and ranged fire attacks on tb. Boss ini bisa ngurangin 49% hp kamu dan memasang firebombs di kaki partu member. Watch common chat buat petunjuk apa attack yang bakal dia cast.

Jarak jauh ato jarak dekat tb with enough hp PDef bakal berguna. Jangan berdekatan. Once tanked watch that boss talking in common chat in yellow text buat mengetahui apa special skill yang dia cast:
kamu bakal kena celestial flame yang nyebabin 49% HP damage ke anggota party. Heal cukup dibutuhkan. Jangan gunain heal AoE  
The flames of heaven will consume you and burn a cleansing fire across the world sets fire traps where squad members are that explode and deal massive damage. Move away from them. Standing apart from each other prevents damage stacking from more than one fire bomb. 
Kill the boss and pick up the nirvana chest. Extreme poison, curse, and amplify damage are effective.

Boss 2: Goldwing Phoenix - High damage dealers make this easier. A small phoenix is waiting for you when you enter. Saat hpnya kurang dari 50% it will evolve and become larger. It does melee physical and ranged fire attacks. When you see red text di kolom chat, jebakan api bakal muncul ke beberapa anggota party. Hidari aja mereka cepet. These traps are permanent. Semakin lama kamu membunuh bossnya.. jebakannya muncul terus. Kalo salah satu mokad, jumlah jebakan berkurang. Tbnya kudu ngelilingin ruangan jadi party member yang lain bakal terbebas dari jebakan. Kill this boss fast and pick up the nirvana chest. Extreme poison, curse, and amplify damage are ineffective.

Boss 3: Ashura Netherqueen
- This stage requires some awareness and quick responses and keeping an eye on the common chat and minimap, and Holy Path as a pixie skill. TB bossnya dengan semua party member di tengah2 pentagram. When you see red text, lihat minimap di pojok kanan atas (PKS) buat mengetahui spawnnya NPC lalu lari cepetan ke NPC itu (another Mysterious Old Man berdiri di buletan merah), sambil mengkindari fox yang spawn. Netherqueen will cast a one-shot AoE yang membunuh anggota char yang gak nyampe NPCnya. Bunh foxnya lalu attack bossnya. Continue this pattern until the boss is dead and pick up the two nirvana chests.
Vanished Ancestor: The final boss of nirvana palace.

-Siapin TB
-Siapin kacung (gak tau bhs indonya lagi) buat ngambilin dropan (by attacking) the chests yang didalemnya ada segel berelemen

1. Pastikan anggota party berdekatan. Gunain bs ato Hercules pet to tank him, pas lagi ng-attack, seekor elemental monster bakal mucul ke salah satu anggota party. Monster ini bakal meledak dalam 30 detik lalu mengacaukan party. Amati tipe elemen lalu cari chest yang tipenya sama dari tabel berikut.

__Elemental Monster_________________Chest______________Segel__
Prima Wood-----(Wood Type)-------Pure Gold Chest---------Wood Chop
Secundo Fire----(Fire Type)--------Water Flood Chest-------Fire Proof
Terzo Earth-----(Earth Type)-------Hard Wood Chest--------Earth Break
Quarto Metal----(Metal Type)------Blazing Fire Chest--------Metal Smelt
Quinto Water---(Water Type)------Thick Earth Chest--------Water Resist
Nama di tabel berikut mungkin berbeda dengan PW indo nanti

Berdiri di sebelah elemental monster lalu klik kanan segel in your inventory. DO NOT accidentally use the seal on the Vanished Ancestor

Contoh: Kalo Prima Wood muncul => Cari Pure Gold Chest buat ndapetin segel Wood Chop.

2. Repeat this until the Vanished ancestor is dead

Cara nggunain segel
Buat nggunain segel, hampiri Elemental monster, target it lalu klik kanan segelnya di dalem inventory. DO NOT ACCIDENTALLY USE THE SEAL ON THE VANISHED ANCESTOR
NPC dan monster biasanya bicara tentang cara buat ngalahin momon itu
Mysterious Old Man: The Mysterious Old Man NPC akan ngikuti kamu didalem istana nirvana. NPC itu biasanya memberi saran dengan detil, di hampir semua room NPCnya ngasih clue apa yang dibutuhkan buat nyelesaiin questnya. He talks in red text.
Boss dan anak-anaknya: Boss sama anaknya juga ngomong di kolom chat. Biasanya berupa cerita (kancil nyolong timun kali ya), apa yang seharusnya gak kamu lakuin, ato malah umpatan. They talk in yellow text.


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